- Fri Mar 21, 2025 2:51 pm
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/20 ... s-involved
David Norris, one of only two men (there were four others who have somehow avoided justice) successfully convicted of the racial hatred motivated murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993, is apparently now eligible for parole.
In a transparent attempt to try to secure his grant of parole, Norris now, at last, admits having been present when Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death, having hitherto denied being involved at all, and maintains that he “only” punched Stephen and did not actually stab him with his knife. He also, apparently, denies holding racist views (but so do all racists).
What an utterly vile, despicable piece of excrement he is. For one thing, admitting he was there but saying he did not actually stab Stephen Lawrence does not amount to an admission of culpability - nor any sort of contrition - for the crime that he was actually convicted of - the murder of Stephen Lawrence. For another, he transparently, obviously, irrefutably does hold racist views, just as do his fellow murderers - Luke Knight, Neil and Jamie Acourt, Matthew White and Gary Dobson.
This pathetic sub-human cretin should not, must not, be granted parole on this basis. Or any other basis for that matter. I hope and trust that his application will be refused.
David Norris, one of only two men (there were four others who have somehow avoided justice) successfully convicted of the racial hatred motivated murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993, is apparently now eligible for parole.
In a transparent attempt to try to secure his grant of parole, Norris now, at last, admits having been present when Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death, having hitherto denied being involved at all, and maintains that he “only” punched Stephen and did not actually stab him with his knife. He also, apparently, denies holding racist views (but so do all racists).
What an utterly vile, despicable piece of excrement he is. For one thing, admitting he was there but saying he did not actually stab Stephen Lawrence does not amount to an admission of culpability - nor any sort of contrition - for the crime that he was actually convicted of - the murder of Stephen Lawrence. For another, he transparently, obviously, irrefutably does hold racist views, just as do his fellow murderers - Luke Knight, Neil and Jamie Acourt, Matthew White and Gary Dobson.
This pathetic sub-human cretin should not, must not, be granted parole on this basis. Or any other basis for that matter. I hope and trust that his application will be refused.
Last edited by Abernathy on Fri Mar 21, 2025 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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