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By Samanfur
Jim Davidson is trending on Twitter, purely on the strength of people speculating over the entertainment.

Andrew Lawrence, Lee Hurst and Geoff Norcott will be fighting over the next spot in the queue.
Is Tice (or Fox for that matter) a suitable person to get a licence?

Or will they keep arm's length?
By mattomac
To be honest I was always critical of Lewis anyhow, thought it was a bit shit.

So the fact Fox has turned out to be a massive bellend hasn’t concerned me too much, he will show up no doubt in a repeat of something where he will be a good guy and I will be willing him to get killed.

As for this pub, where they opening it? Central London?
By Bones McCoy
kettle wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 6:23 pm Honestly not sure where I thought he'd stand on Israel/Palestine. I could see him being racist on either side of the equation. I suppose now he's largely an irrelevance it's just nice to get out of the house.
Repeat after me Kettle:
The Ragheads are the worst sorts.
That rule trumps all others unless the Jews across the road apply to build an extension / join the golf club / open a community centre.
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